पेपर प्रकाशित

केबिल तथा निदान प्रभाग (सीडीडी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 इलेक्ट्रिकल एम/सी आईएस का ऑफ लाइन आंशिक डिस्चार्ज डायग्नोसिस - केस स्टडीज

रजत शर्मा, दिलीप कुमार पुहान और के.पी. मीना

इंसुलिन की आयोजन एवं तकनीकी समिति।
INSULEC 2024 सम्मेलन 1 और 2 फरवरी 2024 को आयोजित हुआ

2 पी वी सी केबिल बाह्य आवरणों पर प्रतिदीप्ति यू वी विकिरण व निम्न तापमान के प्रभावों का अध्ययन

मौमिता नस्कर,
अशिता पी.एन,
के.जी. राकेश

दिनांक 27 और 28 फरवरी 2019 को सीपीआरआई , बेंगलूरु में आयोजित विद्युत केबिल प्रौद्योगिकी - "केबल टेक 2019" पर 10वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन

3 तरल सिलिकोन रबड़ का एसी / डीसी चक्र-पथ अनुसरण और अपरदन प्रतिरोधकता पर एक अध्ययन

अशिता पी.एन,
के. करुणाकर,
मौमिता नस्कर

दिनांक 7 व 8 फरवरी 2019 को आई ई ई ई, हैदराबाद द्वारा होटल दि मनोहर, पुराना बेगमपेट रोड, हैदराबाद में "उच्च वोल्टता अभियांत्रिकी एवं प्रौद्योगिकी (आई सी एच वी ई टी - 2019) पर आयोजित अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन

4 स्विच गियर और कंट्रोलगियर पैनल पर तापमान वृद्धि परीक्षण और पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव-प्रणाली व निष्कर्ष

के. करुणाकर,
के.जी. राकेश,
अशिता पी.एन,
मौमिता नस्कर

दिनांक 6 व 7 दिसंबर 2018 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु में स्विचगियर और कंट्रोलगियर पर आयोजित दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन

5 विद्युत् परिणामित्र क्रोड़ इस्पात गुणवत्ता और उनका माप विज्ञान

के. करुणाकर
जी.किशोर कुमार

दिनांक 6 व 7 दिसंबर 2018 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु में आयोजित जल विद्युत् शक्ति घटकों के शेष आयु आकलन के सेमिनार

6 केबिलों के बाह्य आवरण पर यू वी विकिरणों के प्रभावों का मूल्यांकन

अशिता पी एन,
के.पी. मीना,
एस. गंगा

दिनांक 23 व 24 अगस्त 2018 को नई दिल्ली में आयोजित “केबलवायर 2018” के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन

7 यंत्रीकरण व नियंत्रण केबिल का ज्वाला मन्दन - सीपीआरआई का अनुभव

आर. अरुणज्योति,
पी.वी. सतीश कुमार,
जी.के. राजा,
के.पी. मीना

दिनांक 27 व 28 फरवरी 2019 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु में आयोजित विद्युत केबिलों पर 10 वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन केबलटेक-2019

8 अति निम्न आवृत्ति और स्पेक्ट्रोस्कोपी तकनीकों द्वारा बहिर्वेधित केबिल विद्युत रोधन का परा -- वैद्युत निदान

बी.नागेश्वर राव,
दिलीप कुमार पुहान,
रजत शर्मा

दिनांक 27 व 28 फरवरी 2019 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु में आयोजित विद्युत केबिलों पर 10 वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन केबलटेक-2019

9 उच्च वोल्टता दिष्ट धारा बहिर्वेधित केबिल -.एक अवलोकन

बी. नागेश्वर राव,
के. पी. मीना

दिनांक 27 व 28 फरवरी 2019 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु में आयोजित विद्युत केबिलों पर 10 वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन केबलटेक-2019

10 एचवीडीसी केबिल : एल डी पी ई नैनो परावैद्युत और निम्न आवृत्तियों पर इसकी प्रतिक्रिया

बी. नागेश्वर राव,
नंदकुमार वी.एस,
अंजू आर.के,
अश्विन पार्थसारथी सी,
कांदीबन आर

दिनांक 7 व 8 फरवरी 2019 को दि मनोहर, बेगमपेट, हैदराबाद में आई ई ई ई - हैदराबाद द्वारा आयोजित उच्च वोल्टता अभियांत्रिकी और प्रौद्योगिकी पर आई ई ई ई अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (आई सी एच वी ई टी))

11 परिणामित्र प्रौद्योगिकियाँ, उत्तम अभिकल्प पद्धतियाँ, मानक व परीक्षण तकनीक" के सेमिनार शुष्क प्रकार के परिणामित्र पर आंशिक विसर्जन मापन का महत्व"

के.पी. मीना

दिनांक 26 अक्टूबर 2018 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु

12 अति निम्न आवृत्तियों द्वारा स्टेटर कुंडलन विद्युत रोधन निदान

बी. नागेश्वर राव,
रमेश पी नायर

दिनांक 4 से 7 सितंबर 2018 तक पिलसन शेज़ रिपब्लिक में आयोजित वैद्युत इंजीनियरी में निदान पर आई ई ई ई अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (डायग्नोस्टिका - 2018)

13 घूर्णन मशीन विद्युत रोधन स्थिति निर्धारण का मामला अध्ययन

बी. नागेश्वर राव

दिनांक 4 से 7 सितंबर 2018 तक पिलसन शेज़ रिपब्लिक में आयोजित वैद्युत इंजीनियरी में निदान पर आई ई ई ई अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (डायग्नोस्टिका - 2018)

14 परिणामित्र प्रौद्योगिकियाँ , उत्तम अभिकल्प पद्धतियाँ, मानक व परीक्षण तकनीक" के सेमिनार "तेल से भरे विद्युत परिणामित्रों के विद्युत रोधन निदान के लिए स्थिति आकलन तकनीक"

दिलीप कुमार पुहान,
रजत शर्मा

दिनांक 26 अक्टूबर 2018 को सीपीआरआई, बेंगलूरु

15 वितरण जालों के संहत केबिल अंतकों के लिए आवरित पृथक्करणीय संयोजक -मूल्यांकन मानदंड और विफलता विधि

आर. अरुणज्योति,
के.पी. मीना

दिनांक 23 व 24 अगस्त 2018 को नई दिल्ली में आई ई ई एम ए द्वारा आयोजित केबिल और तारों पर 8वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन “केबिलवायर-2018”

16 घर की केबिल व्यवस्था के विद्युत रोधन सामग्रियों के गुणों का आकलन

आर अरुणज्योति,
पी वी सतीश कुमार,
जी.के. राजा,
के.पी. मीना

दिनांक 23 व 24 अगस्त 2018 को नई दिल्ली में आई ई ई एम ए द्वारा आयोजित केबिल और तारों पर 8वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन “केबिलवायर-2018”

17 तापीय-विश्लेषण एवं स्पेक्ट्रोस्कोपी तकनीकों के प्रयोग से एल डी पी ई – धातु ऑक्साइड नैनो सम्मिश्रों का अभिलक्षणन

बी. नागेश्वर राव,
एस. वैनेथेया,
आर कांडीबन

दिनांक 1 से 5 जुलाई 2018 तक बुडापेस्ट, हंगेरी में आयोजित परावैद्युतों पर द्वितीय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन आई सी डी–2018

18 उच्चस्थ आवृत्ति वोल्टता एवं तापीय तनाव के अधीन स्टेटर कुंडलन विद्युत रोधन के कालप्रभावन सूचक

बी. नागेश्वर राव

दिनांक 1 से 5 जुलाई, 2018 तक बुडापेस्ट, हंगेरी में आयोजित परावैद्युतों पर द्वितीय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन आई सी डी – 2018

19 परिवर्ती आवृत्ति ज्यावक्रीय वोल्टता उत्तेजन पर स्टेटर कुंडलियों में मापी गई प्रखांच विसर्जन नमूना पर तापमान के प्रभाव

रमेश पी नायर,
बी. नागेश्वर राव,
बी.वी. सुमंगला

दिनांक 20 से 24 मई 2018 तक जियान, चीन में आई ई ई ई में आयोजित परावैद्युत सामग्रियों के गुण व अनुप्रयोग पर 12वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (आई सी पी ए डी एम - 2018)

20 परावैद्युत स्पेक्ट्रोस्कोपी मापन के प्रयोग से एस्टर तेल अंतर्निहित विद्युत रोधन के परावैद्युत आचरण पर नमी व ज्यामितीय प्राचल का प्रभाव

मानस रंजन पात्रा,
बी. नागेश्वर राव

दिनांक 20 से 24 मई 2018 तक जियान, चीन में आई ई ई ई में आयोजित परावैद्युत सामग्रियों के गुण व अनुप्रयोग पर 12वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (आई सी पी ए डी एम - 2018)

21 एच वी डी सी केबिलों में वैद्युत विद्युत रोधन के रूप में प्रयुक्त पॉलीएथिलीन-धातु ऑक्साइड नैनो सम्मिश्रों का तापीय अभिलक्षणन

बी. नागेश्वर राव,
अंजू आर.के,
अश्विन पार्थसारथी

दिनांक 20 से 24 मई 2018 तक जियान, चीन में आई ई ई ई में आयोजित परावैद्युत सामग्रियों के गुण व अनुप्रयोग पर 12वाँ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (आई सी पी ए डी एम - 2018)

परावैद्युत सामग्री प्रभाग (डी एम डी)

वैद्युत उपकरण प्रौद्योगिकी प्रभाग (ई ए टी डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 डिमर फैटी एसिड-आधारित पॉलियामाइड्स पीओएसएस (बीपी-पीओएसएस) नैनोकम्पोजिट्स: ढांकता हुआ, थर्मल, संरचनात्मक गुण, और थर्मल डिग्रेडेशन अध्ययन के कैनेटीक्स

डी. ज्ञानसेकरन, ए. अशोकबाबू, और पी. थॉमस

जर्नल ऑफ़ पॉलिमर एंड एनवायरनमेंट (2023) में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल पेपर प्रकाशित। https://doi.org/10.1007/s10924-023-02937-4"।

2 बायो-पॉलियामाइड पॉलीहेड्रल ओलिगोमेरिक सिल्सेस्क्वियोक्सेन (पीए-पीओएसएस) नैनोकम्पोजिट्स का उन्नत ढांकता हुआ और थर्मल प्रदर्शन

डी. ज्ञानसेकरन और पी. थॉमस

"आईईईई ट्रांजेक्शन्स ऑन डाइलेक्ट्रिक्स एंड इलेक्ट्रिकल इंसुलेशन", खंड में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल पेपर प्रकाशित। 28, नहीं. 2, पीपी. 398-405, अप्रैल 2021, डीओआई: 10.1109/टीडीईआई.2020.009178।

3 पुस्तक "ग्रीन बायो-पॉलिमर और इसके नैनोकम्पोजिट्स" पुस्तक गंभीर शीर्षक: सामग्री क्षितिज: प्रकृति से नैनो सामग्री तक

डी. ज्ञानसेकरन

स्प्रिंगर-नेचर, सिंगापुर, वॉल्यूम में 2019 के दौरान संपादित पुस्तक प्रकाशित। 1, पृ. 1-437, आईएसबीएन: 978-981-13-8062-4। https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-13-8063-1



4 वनस्पति एस्टर की संरचना-संपत्ति संबंध पर सर्वेक्षण

सी. वेंकटप्रसाद, डी. ज्ञानसेकरन, एम. विश्वनाथ

2018, 13 (4), 561-568 के दौरान सीपीआरआई जर्नल में जर्नल पेपर प्रकाशित।

5 सॉलिड इंसुलेशन के माध्यम से पावर ट्रांसफार्मर का रखरखाव

सदाशिव मूर्ति पी, ज्ञानसेकरन। डी

26 और 27 अक्टूबर 2017 को एचपीएल-सीपीआरआई, बैंगलोर द्वारा आयोजित बिजली और वितरण ट्रांसफार्मर के डिजाइन, परीक्षण, संचालन और रखरखाव में प्रौद्योगिकी रुझान

6 केबल अनुप्रयोगों के लिए पॉलिमर नैनो कंपोजिट के ज्वाला मंदक गुणों का विकास

सी. वेंकट प्रसाद, डी. ज्ञानशेखरन

सितंबर 2017 के दौरान एसजेसीई कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग, मैसूर द्वारा "नोवेल पॉलिमरिक मैटेरियल्स (पॉलीकॉन) पर 7वां राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन" आयोजित किया गया।

7 पुस्तक "वनस्पति तेल आधारित जैव-स्नेहक और ट्रांसफार्मर तरल पदार्थ, पुस्तक गंभीर: सामग्री निर्माण, मशीनिंग और ट्राइबोलॉजी

डी. ज्ञानसेकरन, सी. वेंकट प्रसाद

2017 के दौरान स्प्रिंगर-नेचर, सिंगापुर में लिखित पुस्तक प्रकाशित, खंड 1: पृष्ठ 1-172। आईएसबीएन 978-981-10-4870-8. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-10-4870-8

8 "CaCu3Ti4O12 सज्जित पालीएनीलीन नैनोसम्मिश्र के सममितिक सक्षम सन्धारित्र निष्पादन"

एम. पद्मिनी,
पी. एलुमलाई
पी. थॉमस

इलेक्ट्रोकैमिसिया एक्टा, खंड सं 292 (2018), पृष्ठ 558-567

9 "खनिज तेल आधारित नैनो तरलों के तापीय चालकता व्यवहार" आयोजित अविरत विकास के लिए उन्नत सिरेमिक और नैनो सामग्रियों पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन ((ACeND 2018)

नंदिनी ई हुडेदमणि
पी. थॉमस

दिनांक 19 से 21 सितंबर, 2018 तक क्राइस्ट यूनिवर्सिटी ( विश्वविद्यालय माना जाता है), बेंगलूरु

10 "पॉलीएरीलीथरकीटोन(पीएईके)/CaCu3Ti4O12 (सीसीटीओ) नैनो सम्मिश्र फिल्मों के संरचनात्मक, तापीय व परावैद्युत आचरण" आयोजित अविरत विकास के लिए उन्नत सिरेमिक और नैनो सामग्रियों पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन ((ACeND 2018)

ए. अशोक बाबू
पी. थॉमस

दिनांक 19 से 21 सितंबर, 2018 तक क्राइस्ट यूनिवर्सिटी (विश्वविद्यालय माना जाता है), बेंगलूरु

11 संश्लिष्ट एस्टर आधारित नैनोतरलों के क्रांतिक प्राचलों पर Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 (बी सी जेड टी) पर आधारित नैनोतरलों के क्रांतिक प्राचलों पर मापदंडों के प्रभाव

पी. थॉमस
नंदिनी ई हुडेदमणि

दिनांक 1 से 5 जुलाई 2018 तक हंगेरी में आयोजित परावैद्युत पर दूसरा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन आईसीडी-2018

ऊर्जा दक्षता और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा प्रभाग (ई आर ई डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Kuldeep Rana, N. Srilekha, P.Chandrasekhar

Fast Charging Behaviour of High-Power Li-Ion Cell at Different Temperatures and Effect on Capacity and Internal Resistance

National Journal of ‘Power Research’, Vol.No.18, Issue No.2, Page 139-147.

2 Analysis of Internal Resistance and Peak Power of High Power Commercial Li-Ion Battery by Using Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization

Kuldeep Rana, Srilekha N

Online International Conference on 'Battery Science and Technology 2022' held from 02nd to 04th June 2022.

3 Analysis of open circuit voltage and state of charge of high power lithium ion battery

Kuldeep Rana, Jairam CDM, Mruttanjay SA

In International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System, Vol. No.13, Issue No. 2, June 2022.

4 Energy Efficiency Analysis of Inverter-based Home Appliances

Dr.P.Chandra Sekhar

7th National Conference  and 1st International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NCRAC 2022), organized by IIT, Guhawathi and IIT, Tirupathi, held  from 24th  to 26th   February 2022.

5 Analysis of Electrochemical performance of Reduced graphene oxide based symmetric supercapacitor with different aqueous electrolyte

Kuldeep Rana

Online  Vol. 25, No. 1, 2022, 22-31, https://doi.org/ 10.5229/ JKES. 2022.25.1.22

6 Nickel based additive-free ultrathin graphite film for fabrication of flexible symmetric supercapacitor

Kuldeep Rana,
R Sneha
Shivangi Kosta

International Conference on Supercapacitors and Energy Storage Applications, ICSEA-2019, held at CMET, Thrissur, on 10th March 2019.

7 Design Fabrication and electrochemical performance of soluble lead redox flow battery for energy storage

Kuldeep Rana,
R. Sneha,
Shivangi Kosta

National Power Systems Conference-2018, held at NIT, Trichy, on 15th December 2018.

8 Fabrication and Electrochemical Performance of Low Cost Soluble Lead Redox Flow Battery using two different Carbon Electrode

Kuldeep Rana,
Shivangi Kosta,
R Sneha

International Meeting on Energy Storage Devices-2018, held at IIT, Roorkee, on 11th December 2018.

9 Additive-free electrode fabrication with reduced graphene oxide using supersonic kinetic spray for flexible lithium-ion batteries

Seong Dae Kim,
Jong-Gun Lee,
Tae-Gun Kim,
Kuldeep Rana,
Jong-Hyun Ahn

Carbon Journal, Vol. No. 139, page No. 195-204, November – 2018.

भूकंप अभियांत्रिकी एवं कंपन अनुसंधान केंद्र (ई वी आर सी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Solar PV power- An option for net zero building station

Jeykishan Kumar, K.,

National seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation conducted by Energy efficiency and renewable energy division at CCAR, CPRI, Bengaluru during 21st and 22nd February 2019

2 Thermal Issues of Warm and Cool White LED Bulbs

Jeykishan Kumar, K  and R. Sudhir Kumar

Power Research A Journal of CPRI, Vol. 15, Issue 1, Page 58-63, June 2019, ISSN (Print): 0973-0338. DOI: 10.33686/pwj.v15i1.148101

3 Solar Radiation Forecasting for Moderate Climatic Zone

Archana Kesarkar, Jeykishan Kumar K and Rajkumar N

Power Research A Journal of CPRI, Vol. 15, Issue 1, Page 52-57, June 2019, ISSN (Print) : 0973-0338. DOI: 10.33686/pwj.v15i1.149517

4 Grid loss protection in solar-wind hybrid based utility interactive inverter

Jeykishan Kumar, K  and R. Sudhir Kumar

2nd International Conference on Large Scale Grid integration of Renewable Energy, New Delhi, India, 2019.

5 Harmonic Impacts of Warm and Cool white LED Bulbs

Jeykishan Kumar, K., Bharath Kumar, G. & Sudhir Kumar, R

2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), BANGALURU, India, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/GCAT47503.2019.8978456

6 Development And Evaluation Of Open-Source IEEE 1547.1 Test Scripts For Improved Solar Integration

Jeykishan Kumar, K , R. Sudhir Kumar, N. Nayeem et al

36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, EU PVSEC 2019, 9 - 13 September 2019, Marseille, France. 10.4229/EUPVSEC20192019-4DO.4.3

7 Photobiological effects of LED

Jeykishan Kumar, K

One day National Seminar cum Workshop on LED lighting systems and Intelligent lighting conducted by ERED, CPRI, Bengaluru at CCAR, CPRI on 29th August 2019.

8 India’s EV Charging Infrastructure- An Overview

Jeykishan Kumar, K

published in Electrical India Magazine, Vol 58, No 11, Page 168-174, November 2019 issue.  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343097902_INDIA'S_EV_CHARGING_INFRASTRUCTURE-AN_OVERVIEW 

9 Significance of Low voltage ride through (LVRT) in solar inverters

Jeykishan Kumar, K

Electrical India Magazine, May 2020 issue, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33603.22566  

10 Evaluation of Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) performance in grid connected inverters

Jeykishan Kumar, K

National Seminar on Grid Connected Inverters conducted by ERED, CPRI on 24th January 2020 at S.J. Auditorium, CPRI, Bengaluru

11 entitled Grid loss protection in an utility interactive single phase micro string solar inverter

Jeykishan Kumar, K

Asian Journal for Convergence in Technology (AJCT), 6(3), 48-54. https://doi.org/10.33130/AJCT.2020v06i03.009

12 Photometric assessment of warm and cool white LED bulbs.

Jeykishan Kumar, K., Bharath Kumar, G. & Sudhir Kumar, R

J Opt 49, 476–484 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-020-00640-4 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.8, CiteScore=2.5)

13 Testing standard on Optical hazards of LED luminaries on human beings for India- A Review

Jeykishan Kumar, K  and R. Sudhir Kumar

Power Research A Journal of CPRI, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 143-152, July-December 2020, ISSN (Print): 0973-0338, DOI: 10.33686/pwj.v16i2.152657

14 Voltage and frequency response of three phase grid tie solar inverter during LVRT

Jeykishan Kumar K, Sudhir Kumar R and V. S. Nandakumar

2020 International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE), Bengaluru, 2020, pp. 424-426, doi: 10.1109/ICSTCEE49637.2020.9276941  

15 Surge Immunity Protection in AC LED Street Lights

Jeykishan Kumar K, and Sudhir Kumar R

2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), BANGLURU, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INOCON50539.2020.9298332

16 PV Inverter Grid Support Function Assessment using Open-Source IEEE P1547.1 Test Package

Jeykishan Kumar K, and Sudhir Kumar R, N. Ninad et al.,

 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Calgary, OR, 2020, pp. 1138-1144, doi: 10.1109/PVSC45281.2020.9300372

17 Voltage flicker from warm and cool white LED bulbs

Jeykishan Kumar K, and Sudhir Kumar R

 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), The Hague, Netherlands, 2020, pp. 934-938, doi: 10.1109/ISGT-Europe47291.2020.9248850

18 Income model for EV public charging station in India

Jeykishan Kumar K

2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & their Applications (IC2E3), Srinagar Garhwal, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi

19 Understanding the Heterointerfaces in Perovskite Solar Cells via Hole Selective Layer Surface Functionalization

Nath, B., Behera, S. K., Jeykishan Kumar K, Hemmerle, A., Fontaine, P., Ramamurthy, P. C., Mahapatra, D. R., Hegde, G.

Adv. Mater. 2023, 2307547. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202307547 , (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 29.4, CiteScore=45.5)

20 Fault Ride Through of Solar Photovoltaic Based Three Phase Utility Interactive Central Inverter

Jeykishan Kumar K, and Sudhir Kumar R

. Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-023-00680-z  (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 2.4, CiteScore=5.2)  

21 Continuous and synchronous overvoltage performance of three-phase grid-connected inverter

Jeykishan Kumar K, Sudhir Kumar R, and Vinodkumar J

2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG), Wollongong, Australia, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi:  10.1109/ETFG55873.2023.10408296

22 “PID testing of solar photovoltaic modules for Indian climatic condition” as a poster presentation

Jeykishan Kumar K, Prashob S, and Praveen C Ramamurthy.

International Workshop on Advanced Materials (IWAM) 2024, organized and sponsored by the Ras Al Khaimah Center for Advanced Materials (RAK CAM) at Ras Al Khaimah United Arab Emirates from the 19th to 21st of February 2024.

23 Design and Analysis of 3-Phase Hybrid Asymmetric Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced CMV

Mamatha N, Ramesh H R and Jeykishan Kumar K

Presented at the International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST) 2024 held between 17th to 19th January 2024

24 Battery Swapping Stations - A Viable Option for Faster Adoption of EVs in India

Jeykishan Kumar, Kuldeep Rana

Power Research - A Journal of CPRI. 18, 2 (Mar. 2023), 171–177. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33686/pwj.v18i2.1107  

25 Studies on the Role of Knowledge Management in Performance Enhancement and Promotion of Renewable Energy Industries in India

K. Jeykishan Kumar and Richa Sharma

Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 0, No. 0, May 2022. https://doi.org/10.1142/S021964922250040X (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.2, CiteScore=1.9) 


26 Response of single phase grid tied Solar PV Inverter during utility voltage and frequency fluctuations

Jeykishan Kumar K

2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), Male, Maldives, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GlobConHT56829.2023.10087718

27 Impact of Controllable losses on Generation and Net Heat Rate

N. Rajkumar

National Conference on "Reducing Net Heat Rate - 2023" organized by Mission Energy Foundation, Mumbai at Hyatt Centric, New Delhi on 02nd  February 2023

28 Steady State Electroluminescence Imaging on Perovskite Solar Cells

Jeykishan Kumar K

2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICEE56203.2022.10117764

29 Improvements in Pumps of Water treatment plants

S. Jothibasu

National Journal of Electrical India, Vol. No. 62, Issue No.9, September 2022, page 28-31.

30 Performance Evaluation of a System

Raghu R

Electrical India Magazine, page 38 -41, March 2022 edition.

31 Performance Evaluation of a Solar Micro Pump

Jothibasu S

Electrical India Magazine, page 26-27, March 2022 edition.

32 Alternate Method for Evaluating Power-temperature Derating Characteristics of Grid Tied Solar Photovoltaic Inverter.

Jeykishan Kumar, K., Sudhir Kumar, R., Bhattacharjee T

Sādhanā 46, 117 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-021-01646-9 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 1.6, CiteScore2.6)

33 Performance of Off-Grid Solar Based Agricultural Water Pump Controller

Jeykishan Kumar K, Jothibasu S

2021 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 2021, pp. 158-162, doi: 10.1109/EPEC52095.2021.9621511

34 Identifying Variation in Noise Levels of Rotating Electrical Machines for Design Improvement

Prashob S, N. Rajkumar, R. Sudhir Kumar

10th edition of Virtual International Conference & Exposition on Electrical Rotating Machines, Drives & Applications conducted by IEEMA, Mumbai, from 6th to 8th, September 2021 (Online mode).

35 Standards for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in India : A Review

Jeykishan Kumar K., Sudhir Kumar R., Nandakumar, V.S

Energy Storage. Accepted Author Manuscript e261. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/ftr/10.1002/est2.261 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 3.2, CiteScore=3.4)

36 Comparison of Anti-Islanding Protection in Single- and Three-Phase Solar Grid-Connected String Inverters

Jeykishan Kumar K

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-021-00635-0 (Scopus & Web of Science Indexed, Impact Factor= 2.0, CiteScore=2.2)

37 Adding solar power for net energy zero building

K. Jeykishan Kumar

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 3, March-2019, pp 1376-1379, ISSN 2229-5518. https://www.ijser.org/researchpaper/ADDING-SOLAR-POWER-FOR-NET-ENERGY-ZERO-BUILDING.pdf  


38 Design methodology of a small cooling tower

S. Jothibasu

Cooling India magazine, Vol. No.14, Issue No.8, March 2019.

39 Day ahead solar power forecasting

Archana Kesarkar N,
N. Rajkumar,
R. Sudhir Kumar

National Seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

40 Roof top solar photovoltaic plant-grid connected – performance analysis

S. Prashob,
R.Sudhir Kumar

National Seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

41 Solar PV power- An option for net zero building station

K. Jeykishan Kumar

National Seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

42 Optimisation of auxiliary power in hydro power station

S. Jothibasu

National Seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

43 Energy efficiency improvement in gas turbine power plants

S. Jothibasu

National Seminar on Energy efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

44 Fuel audit – a novel tool for performance improvement in power generation

N. Rajkumar

National Seminar on Energy Efficiency in power generation, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February, 2019.

45 Power Loss in Series Connected Short String Photovoltaic Modules due to Partial Shading Conditions

Elenchezhian P,
Sudhir Kumar R,
Jeykishan Kumar K,
Kumar Chinnaiyan V

published in IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (EECCMC) conducted by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Priyadarshini Engineering College, Chennai on 28th – 29th January 2018.

46 Energy Efficiency improvement studies of Hydro Power Plants”, at National Seminar on “RLA studies of hydro power plant components

S. Jothibasu

CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

47 Electric V2G and its impact on future power systems

R. Sudhir Kumar,

Energy Manager magazine of Society of Energy Engineers and Manager, Vol. No.11, Issue No.04, ISSN 0974-0996, October- December 2018.

48 International Development of a Distributed Energy Resource Test Platform for Electrical and Interoperability Certification

Jeykishan Kumar, K ,R. Sudhir Kumar, J. Johnson et al

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC) (A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC & 34th EU PVSEC), Waikoloa Village, HI, 2018, pp. 2492-2497, doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8547588

उच्च वोल्टता प्रभाग (एच वी डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Performance of 420kV Instrument Transformers under Earthquake

Yamini Gupta, R. Panneer Selvam and D. Nagesh Babu

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology held at CPRI, UHVRL, Hyderabad on 17th March 2023.

2 Challenges in seismic qualification of substation equipment

Yamini Gupta, R. Panneer Selvam and D. Nagesh Babu

17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering held at IIT Roorkee during 14th to 17th November 2022.

3 Seismic response evaluation of electrical equipment – An approach for resilient power system

R. Panneer Selvam, Yamini Gupta

5th World Congress on Disaster Management WCDM 2021 held at IIT, Delhi, on 24th & 25th November 2021

4 Experimental study and numerical simulation of seismic behavior of corroded reinforced concrete frames

T. Nagender, Y.M. Parulekar, R. Panneer Selvam, J. Chattopadhyay

Science Direct  during September 2021

5 Failure Analysis of Electrical Equipment under Operational Vibration

R. Panneer Selvam, Yamini Gupta & D. Nagesh Babu

CPRI  Journal, Volume No.17, Issue No.1 /37-43 , January-June 2021

6 Seismic Qualification of High Voltage Substation Equipment

R. Panneer Selvam
Yamini Gupta

International Conference “High Voltage Engineering & Technology” held at Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

7 Seismic Qualification of High Voltage Switchgear

R. Panneer Selvam,
A.N.N. Nampoothiri
Yamini Gupta

National Conference “Switchgear and Controlgear”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

8 Qualification of Equipment for Seismic and Operational Vibration

R. Panneer Selvam,
Yamini Gupta
D. Nagesh Babu

National Seminar on “Developments and Wrecks in Overhead Transmission Line Components and Accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 12th October 2018.

उच्च शक्ति प्रयोगशाला (एच पी एल)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Tracking and Erosion Performance of Silicone Rubber with ZnO & MgO Fillers


National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (HVET 2023) held at UHVRL, CPRI, Hyderabad on 17th March 2023.

2 Failure Analysis of Transformer under Impulse Test


National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (HVET 2023) held at UHVRL, CPRI, Hyderabad on 17th March 2023.

3 Design and validation of Plate Earthing System for Equipment Earthing

Jithin Pauly.P

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (HVET 2023) held at UHVRL, CPRI, Hyderabad on 17th March 2023.

4 Measurement of Soil Resistivity for an HVDC Electrode Station using High Current DC Source

Jithin Pauly.P

CPEEE 2023 International Conference, held in Tokyo during 25th to 27th February 2023.

5 Impact of Time Duration on Energy Injected During the Test to Verify Repetitive Charge Transfer Rating

Jithin Pauly.P

CPEEE 2023 International Conference, held in Tokyo during 25th to 27th February 2023.

6 Importance of Transformer Neutral Earthing in a Substation - A Case Study

B. V. Nagachandra

National Conference on “Failure of Major Equipment of substation- Case Studies” organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power and CIGRE India, New Delhi on 23rd February 2023.

7 Failure analysis of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Blocks based on Repetitive charge transformer rating verification test

Jithin Pauly P, C Prabhakar, B V Nagachandra & G Pandian

12th IEEE International Conference on Power Energy and Electrical Engineering, Japan (CPEEE 2022), held on 26 & 27th February 2022.

8 Study on steep front impulse test voltage value of disc insulators with variation in the number of units of insulator string

K Marimuthu, Dharmesh Yelamanchi & G Pandian

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET – 2022), organized by UHVRL-CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022.

9 Methodology for Impulse Testing of 3 phase CTPT Unit – A Case study

Dharmesh Yelamanchi & G Pandian

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET – 2022), organized by UHVRL-CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022

10 Experimental Analysis on Ceramic Insulator with different profile under very high pollution zone by solid layer method

Shyam Agarwal, Mohan Babu V, Gobinath G & G Pandian

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET – 2022,) organized by UHVRL-CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022.

11 Investigation of Grounding System at Substation – A case study

B.V. Nagachandra, C Prabhakar, Jithin pauly & G Pandian

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET – 2022), organized by UHVRL-CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022

12 Experimental study on ageing of polymeric insulators by dip method

K N Ravi, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru
N Vasudev

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

13 Analysis of Brittle Fracture of Composite Insulators by using Finite Element Technique

Nagaraja H P,
K N Ravi, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru
N Vasudev

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

14 A Study on RTV coating: Ageing and Reduction of Coating length on insulator

VTU, Belgaum, Assistant professor, REVA University, Bengaluru

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET-2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

15 Investigation on Room Temperature Vulcanized Silicon Insulation With and Without ATH Filler Loading by Incline Plane Tracking & Erosion Test Method

Binita Dutta, V.V.P Engineering College,
Rajkot Rafiq Mathersa
N Vasudev

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

16 Failure of Distribution-Class Surge Arresters and Preventive Measures

Bhurat Puneet, Vijaya Sales Corporation, Bengaluru,
K S Meera
N Vasudev

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

17 Determination of Non- inductive Residual Voltages for steep (0.5/629µs) Impulse currents on station class Surge Arresters Blocks

Jithin Pauly P,
Prabhakar C,
Kanyakumari M,
N Vasudev

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET-2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

18 Quality Analysis of Ceramic Insulators under Electro Thermal Stresses

K. Marimuthu,
N. Vasudev
P.Raja, NIT, Trichy

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET 2019)”, at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

19 Parametric Analysis of Surge Test Circuit for Auto Reclosure to Resolve Experimental Difficulties

Dharmesh Yelamanchi,
U R Sheshagiri Rao,
A.V.Giridhar, NIT Warangal

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

20 Quality Analysis of Ceramic Insulators under steep front impulse voltage

P. Raja, NIT, Trichy

20th National Power System Conference (NPSC) – 2018, held at NIT, Trichy, from 14th to 16th December 2018.

21 Mitigation of High Ground Resistance for Hydro Electric Generating Station – A case study

C Prabhakar,
Jithin Pauly,
U R Sheshagiri Rao
N Vasudev

Two day National Seminar on “Remaining Life Assessment of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 7th December 2018.

इंस्ट्रूमेंटेशन डिवीजन

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Sreeram V, Dillip Kumar Puhan, Rajkumar M, S. Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev

Dissecting SFRA measurements for physical parameters: A Practical Approach

17th India Doble Power Forum International Conference organized by Doble Engineering Company, Vadodara at New Delhi on 07th & 08th December 2022

2 Sheath Potential Induced Failure Modes and Influencing Factors of Bonded Cable System

Sreeram V, Meena K P, Arunjyothi R, Thirumurthy, S. Sudhakara Reddy

9th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis 2022 (CMD 2022), organized by IEEE Japan during 13th to 18th November 2022.

3 Comparative Analysis of Transients in AIS and GIS With Vacuum Interrupters

Sreeram V, S. Arunkumar, S. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Gurudev and Maroti

International Journal of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. No.50, Issue No. 9, pp. 2681-2686, September 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3202339

4 Sreeram V., Rajkumar M., S. Sudhakara Reddy, Gurudev T & Maroti M

Short Circuit Testing of Cables: HPL Experience

National Journal of Power Research - A Journal of CPRI, Volume 18, Issue No. 1, June 2022 https://doi.org/10.33686/pr.v18i1.1094

5 Short circuit performance of cast resin dry type transformers

Rajkumar M, Sreeram V, S Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev and Maroti

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET2022) (Online Mode), organized by Ultra-High Voltage Research Laboratory, CPRI, Hyderabad & High Voltage Division, Bengaluru, on 25th February  2022.

6 Design considerations of line trap to cater the increase in system fault level

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu

2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy System (ICEPES-21) held virtually on 10th & 11th December  2021.

7 Enquiry into correlation of winding capacitance and SFRA measurements in power transformers

Sreeram V, Dillip Kumar Puhan, Rajkumar M, S Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev

Virtually at 2021 IEEE 5th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems, held at NIT Calicut, from 3rd to 5th December  2021.

8 SFRA based deterioration index for transformer condition monitoring

Sreeram V, Rajkumar M, S Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev, Maroti M

10th  IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference – Asia (ISGT - Asia), held  at Brisbane, Australia, from 3rd to 5th December  2021.

9 Changes in Testing Requirements of MV Switchgear according to IEC 62271-100:2021

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu

10th International Conference on Switchgear and Controlgears “Switch Smart - Sustain Future”, SWICON 2021” held virtually from 16th to 18th  November 2021.

10 The Impact of New IEC 62271-200:2021 on Internal ARC Testing of MV Switchgear Assemblies

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu

10th  International Conference on SWITCHGEAR and CONTROLGEARS “Switch Smart - Sustain Future” SWICON 2021”   held virtually from 16th to 18th  November 2021

11 Study of Transient Enclosure Voltage in Hybrid MV Switchgear

Sreeram V, Arunkumar S, Sreeram V, S Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev, Maroti

SWICON 2021, 10th International Conference on Switchgear and Controlgear, held virtually from 16th to 18th  November 2021.

12 Short circuit performance of transformers in solar PV systems

Sreeram V, Rajkumar M, S. Sudhakara Reddy, T Gurudev, Maroti

2021 Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2021), held at Perth, Australia, on 27 September, 2021.

13 Transients in hybrid switchgear involving SF6 and vacuum interrupters

Sreeram V, Arunkumar S, S. Sudhakara Reddy, T. Gurudev, Maroti

29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Padova, Italy, held on 27th September 2021.

14 Objective Interpretation of SFRA, in the Light of CIGRE TB 812

Sreeram V, T Gurudev, M. Rajkumar, M. Maroti and S. Sudhakara Reddy

Power Research A Journal of CPRI, Vol. No.17(1)/31-36, January-June 2021.

15 Effects of internal arcing faults on transformer

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
Anupam Awasthi,
Gurudev T, Maroti,
Arun Kumar S,
Sreeram V

National Conference on Innovation & Best Practices in Transformer Design, Testing & Maintenance, organized by STDS-CPRI, Bhopal, at Hotel Courtyard Marriot, DB City Mall, Bhopal, on 16th February 2019.

16 High Voltage Winding Dielectric Design

M Rajkumar,
Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
T Gurudev,

National Conference on Innovation & Best Practices in Transformer Design, Testing & Maintenance, organized by STDS-CPRI, Bhopal, at Hotel Courtyard Marriot, DB City Mall, Bhopal, on 15th February 2019.

17 Testing requirements to establish on-line short circuit test facility

Govinda Rao G,
M Chandrshekhar,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
Dr. Pradeep Nirgude,
Anupam Awasthi

National Conference on Innovation & Best Practices in Transformer Design, Testing & Maintenance, organized by STDS-CPRI, Bhopal, at Hotel Courtyard Marriot, DB City Mall, Bhopal, on 15th February 2019.

18 Design and simulation of re-ignition circuit for synthetic testing of HV/EHV circuit breakers

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
Sudhakara Reddy S,
Anupam Awasthi,

International Conference “High Voltage Engineering & Technology- ICHVET 2019”, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

19 CPRI experience on internal arc testing of current transformers and its failure analysis

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu

TECH-IT 2018 held at Hotel Crown Plaza, Gurgaon, NCR, on 13th & 14th December 2018.

20 CPRI Experience on Mechanical Endurance Testing of Circuit Breakers

M Rajkumar,
Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
T Gurudev,
Govinda Rao G,
M. Chandra sekhar

National Conference on Switchgear and Controlgear, organised by High Power Laboratory, CPRI, Bengaluru, at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

21 A study of circuit breaker performance requirements with solar PV and wind generation

Sreeram V,
S Sudhakar Reddy,
Anupam Awasthi,
T. Gurudev,
Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
Arunkumar S,
Rajkumar M

National Conference on Switchgear and Controlgear, organised by High Power Laboratory, CPRI, Bengaluru, at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

22 Effect of change in contact resistance after short circuit making and breaking operations

Arunkumar S,
Anupam Awasthi,
Sudhakara Reddy,
Gurudev T,
Sreeram V

National Conference on Switchgear and Controlgear organised by High Power Laboratory, CPRI, Bengaluru, at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

23 Electrical Endurance Testing On Vacuum Circuit Breakers – A Review

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
Anupam Awasthi,
Gurudev T,
Arun Kumar S,
Sreeram V

National Conference on Switchgear and Controlgear, organised by High Power Laboratory, CPRI, Bengaluru, at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

24 Fault detections through SFRA Technique and its interpretations as per IEEE latest standard for Power Transformers

Rajaramamohanarao Chennu,
S Sudhakara Reddy,
Anupam Awasthi,
Gurudev T,
Arun Kumar S,
Sreeram V

National Seminar on " Transformer Technologies, best design practices, Standards and Testing Techniques" organised by Short Circuit Laboratory, CPRI, Bengaluru, at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 26th October 2018.

विद्युत् रोधन प्रभाग

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Comparison between Old IS 802 (Part-1/Sec-1):1995 & New IS 802 (Part-1/Sec-1):2015

Durgesh Kumar Yadav

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

2 Review of failed Transmission Line Towers during Full Scale Testing

M. Selvaraj
Veerendra Kumar Shukla

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

3 Reason for failure of Transmission Lines and their Preventive Actions and Strategies

Durgesh Kumar Yadav

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

4 Failure Analysis of Leg Member at the connection of Single – Angle Leg with Cruciform Leg in Transmission Line tower

M. Selvaraj,
Vijaya Kumar
Veerendra Kumar Shukla

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

5 Development of Compact overhead power transmission line tower using 8-legged configuration

M. Selvaraj
Veerendra Kumar Shukla

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

6 Experimental Evaluation of Transmission Line tower made of Polymer Composite Material

M. Selvaraj

National Conference on “Recent Trends in Overhead Transmission line towers & Its accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 20th & 21st December 2018.

7 Structural Behaviour of Assembly Modular Cantilever System- A Case Study

M.D. Anantha Babu

Seminar on “Developments and Wreaks in Overhead Transmission Line Components and Accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 12th October 2018.

8 Behavior of Insulator under Various Mechanical Loads

Praful R. Dongre

Seminar on “Developments and Wreaks in Overhead Transmission Line Components and Accessories”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 12th October 2018.

9 An approach to Develop a Compact Transmission Line Tower with Special Configuration

M. Selvaraj,
Veerendra Kumar Shukla,
Ramesh Babu

International Journal of Steel Structures (Springer), Vol. No.19(1), page nos. 213-223, June 2018 issue.

यांत्रिकी अभियांत्रिकी प्रभाग (एम ई डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Evaluation of Rice husk Biomass and Blending with Coal for Power Generation Application

Kishore Kumar Gulipilli

International Conference on Advances in Materials, Ceramics and Engineering Sciences (AMCES-2023), organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE), Bangalore during 13th to 15th March 2023.

2 Oxide Scale Deposition in Super Heater Boiler Tubes in Super Critical Thermal Power Plant - A case study

M Janardhana, Arvind Kumar

International O&M conference IPS 2023 held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh on 13th & 14th February 2023

3 Study the Combustion behavior of Coal and Rice husk blend by Computation Fluid Dynamic analysis

Kishore Kumar Gulipilli & V.Saravanan

“Chemcon 2022”  - International Conference on "Sustainability in Chemical Processes through Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Green Chemistry" organised by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kanpur at HBTU campus during 27th to 30th December 2022

4 Evaluation of the Characteristics of Blending of High Ash Indian Coal with Groundnut Shell for Power Generation Application"

Kishore Kumar Gulipilli

“Chemcon 2022” - International Conference on "Sustainability in Chemical Processes through Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Green Chemistry" organised by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kanpur at HBTU campus during 27th to 30th December 2022.

5 Analysis of Power stations more efficaciously and reforms by heat pipe

T.Mallikharjuna Rao

International Journal of Ambient Energy- Taylor & Francis Publication, Vol.43, Issue No.1, 8067-8079, August 2022.

6 Successive Cooling / heating Methods to decrease Global Warming

Mallikarjuna Rao

International journal of  Design Engineering, Issue 5, Pages 683-697, May 2021

7 Modifications of Sub-components in Thermal Power Plants for Exegetic Efficiency

Mallikarjuna Rao

International Journal of Heat and Technology", Vol 39, No2 , pp - 573-580, April 2021.

8 Study of Reactive consumption for Different Core Material of Distribution Transformers

G. Kishore Kumar
R.K. Kumar

IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology(ICHVET-2019), held at Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

9 Energy analysis of thermal power plant –an index of sustainability

T. Mallikharjuna Rao

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

10 Best practices for the clinker management in coal fired power plant boilers

V. Saravanan

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

11 Energy generation from waste through microwave based plasma gasification

V. Saravanan,
Subha Bhora

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

12 Optimization of flue gas flow in ESP inlet ducts through cold air velocity testing and computational fluid dynamics analysis

R .K Kumar

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

13 Condition assessment studies-a tool for improvement of performance of boilers

M. Venkateshwara Rao

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation’’, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21st & 22nd February 2019.

14 Computational fluid dynamic approach for prediction of erosion life of coal burner splitter plates of 500 mw boiler

R .K Kumar

National Seminar on “Energy Efficiency in Power Generation’’, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 21s t& 22nd February 2019.

15 HVAF based thermal spray coatings for improvement of service life of hydro plant components

R.K. Kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

16 Transformer condition assessment by DGA - a diagnostic approach

G. Kishore Kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

17 Failure analysis of pelton turbine runner

R.K. Kumar
M. Janardhana

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

18 Damage tolerance approach for estimation of the remaining life of turbine-generator shafts of hydro power plants- a case study

R K Kumar,
M Janardhana,
K. Kaushik,
N L Santhosh

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

19 Computational fluid dynamics approach for prediction of erosion intensities in hydro turbine components hard coated using HVOF and HVAF coatings

R.K. Kumar,
S. Seetharamu

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6t h& 7th December 2018.

20 Strategy for preventive maintenance of hydro power plant components

T. Mallikharjuna Rao
M. Janardhana

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

21 Evaluation of integrity of aged penstock supporting structure in hydroelectric generating stations

M. Janardhana,
G. Kishore Kumar
Aravind kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

22 Corrosion assessment of penstock by optical laser 3D scan

M. Janardhana
G. Kishore Kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Component”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

23 Remaining life assessment of hydro power station penstock

M Janardhana,
R.K. Kumar,
Kishore Kumar.G
Arvind Kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Component”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

24 RLA, R & M studies and DPR for R & M activities – CPRI experience

T. Mallikharjuna Rao,
M. Janardhana
Arvind Kumar

National Seminar on "RLA of Hydro Power Plant Components,” held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 6th & 7th December 2018.

25 Evaluation of prime, non-prime and used transformer core material of cold rolled grain oriented steels

G. Kishore Kumar

Seminar on “Transformer technologies , best design practices, Standards and testing techniques”, held at CPRI, Bengaluru, on 26th October 2018.

26 Remaining Life Assessment Studies for improvement of reliability and availability of Boilers

M Venkateshwara Rao,
M. Janardhana
Arvind Kumar

National Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 26th & 27th October 2018.

27 Optimization of steam curing method for bulk utilization of bottom ash and fly ash

G. Kishore kumar
M. Janardhana

Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 26th & 27th October 2018.

28 Energy Conservation through R&M of thermal power plants

T. Mallikharjuna Rao,
Arvind Kumar

National Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 26th & 27th October 2018.

29 Wear debris analysis of lubricants to predict condition of power plant components – case study

G. Kishore Kumar

National Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 27th & 28th October 2018.

30 Corrosion mapping of water wall Boiler tube

M. Janardhana,
Arvind Kumar

National Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 26th & 27th October 2018.

31 Effect of Coal Variability on Power Plant Performance and Application of Expert Systems

V. Saravana

National Seminar on "Thermal Power Issues, Challenges and Way Forward", held at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, on 26th & 27th October 2018.

32 Condition Monitoring (Mech.) of Power Plant component

T Mallikharjuna Rao
M. Janardhana

Seminar on “Recent trends on condition monitoring in power equipments”, held at SCOPE Complex, New Delhi, on 12th October 2018.

33 Thermal ageing characteristics of Domain Refined Grain Oriented (DRGO) electrical steels

G. Kishore Kumar

Seminar on Recent trends on condition monitoring in power equipments, held at SCOPE Complex, New Delhi, on 12th October 2018.

सामग्री प्रौद्योगिकी प्रभाग (एम टी डी)

विद्युत प्रणाली प्रभाग (पी एस डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Janmejaya Pradhan, Manohar Singh

Performance of Distance Relaying Scheme under High Penetration of RES

International Journal of Research Square (Online) DOI - doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1552568/v1

2 Impact of Tower footing resistance on back flash over in 220 kV Transmission System

Ved Prakash Yadav, Jithin Pauly, C. Prabhakar, J. Sreedevi

International Conference on “Latest Trends and Innovation in Cables and Overhead Lines” held in New Delhi, on 09th & 10th March 2023.

3 An Operational Practice for Voltage Control & Reactive Power Management in National Grid

Manohar Singh, Dinesh Patil

22nd National Power System Conference, NPSC 2022 hosted by Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi during 17th to 19th December 2022.

4 Power System Stability Investigation with Renewable Integrations

Mahima, Manohar Singh

10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) organised by NIT, Delhi at New Delhi during 25th to 27th November 2022.

5 Review on Microgrid Stability, Load shedding with Real Time Simulation Technologies

J. Sreedevi, Vishal Kaushik S, Honnesh C S

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering & Technology (NCHVET 2022), organised by UHVRL-CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022.

6 Relay Coordination Algorithm with Limits on Minimum Operating Time of customized Time Inverse Relays Characteristics

Manohar Singh

International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS -2021), organized by IIT, Kharagpur, from 16th to 18th December 2021.

7 Computation of Lightning Overvoltage in 220kV Substation due to Direct Stroke on Overhead Transmission Line

Ved Prakash Yadav and J. Sreedevi

Power Research – A Journal of CPRI, Vol. No.17, Issue No.1, pp.53-58, June 2021.

8 Multi-functional UPS for Commercial Use

Paila Lakshmana Rao, J. Sreedevi and G.N. Chethan

Power Research- A Journal of CPRI, Vol. No. 17, Issue No.1, pp. 45-52, June 2021

9 Voltage Stability Analysis of IEEE118 Bus System with Wind Penetration

J. Sreedevi, G.N. Chethan and Paila Lakshmana Rao

Power Research- A Journal of CPRI, Vol. No.17, Issue No.1, pp. 17-21, June 2021.

10 M Class Synchrophasor Compliance for Real-Time Monitoring of Smart Power Systems

P. Kaliappan & M.P. Selvan

Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B (2021).DOI:10.1007/s40031-021-00596-4, May 2021.  

11 Coordinated control among PSS,WTG and BESS for improving Small-Signal Stability

Feba Alias & Manohar Singh

International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems,Vol.xx, No.xx, 2021, pp.000010151520210102.https:// doi.org/ 10.1515/ ijeeps-2021-0102, May 2021.

12 Multi-communication technology based AMI for smart metering in India

Amit Jain

5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, Pune, India, 29th – 31st March, 2019.

13 Voltage–current–time inverse-based protection coordination of photovoltaic power systems

Manohar Singh
Anubha Agrawal

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 13, Issue 6, pp. 794-804, 26th March, 2019.

14 Modular multilevel converters technology: a comprehensive study on its topologies, modeling, control and its applications

Manchala Naini Raju,
J Sreedevi,
Rajashekar P Mandi
Meera K S

IET Power Electronics, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 149-169, 20th February, 2019.

15 An Innovative Solution for Type Testing of Power Transformers

Manohar Singh,
Vishnuvardhan T
Meera K S

International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS), Volume 20, Issue 1, 8th February, 2019.

16 Impact of online Testing of Distribution Transformers - A case study

Manohar Singh,
Anand Prakasha
Meera K S

International Conference on “High Voltage Engineering and Technology (ICHVET- 2019)”, held at Hotel The Manohar, Old Begumpet Road, Hyderabad, organized by IEEE, Hyderabad, on 7th & 8th February 2019.

17 Closed Loop Performance Evaluation of Line Differential Relay on RTDS

Ashwin N
Meera K S

National Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering (NCAEECE), Bengaluru, 16th December, 2018.

18 A Methodology for Fault Detection and Classification using PMU Measurements

Amit Jain,
Archana T C
Mohapatra Bikash K Sahoo

20th National Power System Conference (NPSC 2018), NIT, Trichy, 14th – 16th December, 2018.

19 Microgrid Short circuit studies

Manohar Singh

8th Power India International Conference, at NIT, Kurukshetra, 10th - 12th December, 2018.

20 Cluster based protection coordination Using a new voltage current time inverse relay

Manohar Singh
Anubha Agrawal

IEEE PES General meeting 2018, Portland, USA, 5th - 9th August, 2018.

21 Performance evaluation of VSC-HVDC link for varying AC system strengths

J Sreedevi,
V Anuradha,
Premila Manohar
R S Shivakumara Aradhya

Power Research – A Journal of CPRI, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 105-113, June 2018.

22 Testing & Calibration of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)

Meera K S
Kaliappan Perumal

Power Research – A Journal of CPRI, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 1-12, June 2018.

अनुसंधान एवं विकास प्रबंधन प्रभाग (आर एंड डी)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 A Novel Transmission SystemProtection Scheme using Optimal Wide-Area Measurements

S. Anand, K. Kalita and S.K Parida

Journal in Electric Power Systems Research, Page no. 15, November 2022.

2 Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles and optimization of current-voltage properties of solar cell

Prasanta Sutradhar, Ranjit Debnath and Mitali Saha

Letters in Applied Nanobioscience, International (Scopus indexing).

3 Design of porous graphene materials from organic precursors

Ranjit Debnath, Prasanta Sutradhar and Mitali Saha

Crystal Research & Technology, International (SCI indexing).

4 Effect of Cyberattack on Event Detection Algorithm in Distribution System using Synchrophasor Measurements

Subal Beura and Bibhu P. Padhy

NPSC conference IIT Delhi, 17-19 December 2022.

5 Identifying the Attack Probability of Measurements in Nonlinear State Estimator

Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 17-19 December 2022.

6 An Optimal Control Design for Solar Tracker System via Contrast Controller Approach

Sandeep Hanwate and Yogesh V. Hote

10th IEEE Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES, 2022), MNIT Jaipur, 14-17 December 2022

7 Controller Design Based on Fractional Filter with IMC-PID: Application to Servo System and Single Area Power System

Vivek Kumar and Yogesh V. Hote

2022 IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON), Online IEEE Conference, 9-11 December 2022

8 Adaptive Control Policy Via Switching Controller for Load Frequency Control Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization

Appu Raushan, Yogesh  V. Hote, and  Ganesh B. Kumbhar

2022 IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON), Online IEEE Conference, 9-11 December 2022

9 Fractional Order PID for Load Frequency Control of Time Delayed Islanded Microgrid

Jitendra Sharma, Yogesh  V. Hote and R. Prasad

2022 IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON), Online IEEE Conference, 9-11 December 2022

10 Power Loss Minimization in Smart Transformer Enabled Low Voltage Islanded Meshed Hybrid Microgrid

Dwijasish Das, Rampelli Manojkumar and Chandan Kumar

IEEE access, Page no. 1-11, November 2022.

11 A Novel False Data Injection Attack Formulation Based on CUR Low-Rank Decomposition Method

Debottam Mukherjee, Sandip Ghosh and Rakesh Kumar Misra

IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, Vol 13 Iss 6, Page no. 4965-4968, November 2022

12 A Novel Reduced-Order H_∞ Filter for Simultaneous Detection and Mitigation of FDI-Attacks in AGC Systems

Subal Beura and Bibhu P. Padhy

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, November 2022

13 Simulation and Comparative Study of ORC System with R123 Refrigerant using Aspen Plus

Ankit Kumar and Shailendra Kumar Shukla

3rd International Conference on Science, Engineering and Management (ICASEM-2022), Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), 18-19 November 2022

14 Source-Independent Zone-1 Protection for Converter-Dominated Power Networks

S. Paladhi, J. R. Kurre, and A. K. Pradhan

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 1st November 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRD.2022.3218615).

15 evaluation of dielectric losses of PPLP for single phase HTS cable at subcooled LN2 temperature

Maalika Sarkar, Abhik Sarkar, Isaac De Souza, Abhay Singh Gour and Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 1241 Iss 1, Page no. 012011, 2022.

16 Feasibility study of a novel capacitance based quench detection sensor for HTS power transmission cables

Harris K. Hassan, Pankaj Sagar, Abhay Singh Gour and V V Rao

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 1240 Iss 1, Page no. 012145, 2022.

17 Numerical Studies on Two-Phase Flow of Liquid Nitrogen to Cool HTS Power Cables

Isaac De Souza, Ankit Anand, Harris K. Hassan, Sumit K. Chand, Abhay Singh Gour and Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 1241 Iss 1, Page no. 012039, 2022.

18 Hierarchical bimetallic iron-cobalt phosphides nano-island nanostructures for improved oxygen evolution reaction

A. Shankar and G Maduraiveeran

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol 923, Page no. 116806, October 2022

19 State vulnerability assessment against false data injection attacks in AC state estimators

Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, and S. N. Singh

IET Energy Conversion and Economics, Vol 3 Iss 3, Page no. 319-322, October 2022

20 Comparison of PPLP wrapping techniques for HTS power cables

Maalika Sarkar, Isaac De Souza, Abhik Sarkar, Abhay Singh Gour and Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity (NSCS-28), IIT Kharagpur, 18-21 October 2022

21 Effect of magnetic fields due to electric currents in an HTS power cable and estimation of stress

Isaac de Souza, Ankit Anand, Abhay Singh Gour and Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity (NSCS-28), IIT Kharagpur, 18-21 October 2022

22 Jointing techniques for HTS power cables

Isaac de Souza, Harris K. Hassan, Abhik Sarkar, Maalika Sarkar, Abhay Singh Gour and Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity (NSCS-28), IIT Kharagpur, 18-21 October 2022

23 Development of thermal insulating material using waste (Rice Husk Ash)

Manish Dhangar, Kamna Chaturvedi, Mohd. Akram Khan, A.K. Srivastava and Sarika Verma

International Conference on Emerging Materials for Sustainable Development (EMSD - 2022), CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh, 9th -11th  October 2022

24 Numerical and experimental investigations on influence of internal defect parameters on partial discharge induced UHF signals in gas insulated switchgear

Yadam, Yugandhara Rao, Sarathi Ramanujam, and Kavitha Arunachalam 

IEEE Access, Iss 10, Page no. 110785 – 110795, 10th October 2022

25 A Game Theoretic Horizon Decomposition Approach for Real- Time Demand-Side Management

Mrityunja Y Kumar Mishra and S.K Parida

IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, Vol 13 Iss 5, Page no. 14, September 2022.

26 A Game Theoretic Horizon Decomposition Approach for Real- Time Demand-Side Management

Mrityunja Y Kumar Mishra and S.K Parida

IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, Vol 13 Iss 5, Page no. 14, September 2022.

27 A Modal Transformation Approach to Design Reduced Order Functional Observer-Based Wadc for Low-Frequency Oscillations

Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar and S.K Parida

Ieee Transaction on Power System, Page no. 12, Early access, August 2022.

28 MPC-Based Coordinated Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks Incorporating CVR and DR

Arunima Dutta, Sanjib Ganguly and Chandan Kumar

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 58 Iss 4, Page no. 4309-4318, July-August 2022

29 Effect of hydroxy groups on nonlinear optical behaviour of encapsulated freebase porphyrin thin films in a borate glass matrix

R. Beniwal, P. Gawas, C.P. Charan, V. Nutalapati and B.M.K. Mariserla

Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol 284, Page no. 115908, July 2022.

30 Bimetallic iron cobalt oxide nanoclusters embedded on three-dimensional flower-like iron cobalt oxide nanosheets for improved oxygen evolution reaction

A. Shankar and G. Maduraiveeran

Energy Advances, Vol 1, Page no. 562, July 2022.

31 Gold-dispersed hierarchical flower-like copper oxide microelectrodes for the sensitive detection of glucose and lactic acid in human serum and urine

M. Arivazhagan and G. Maduraiveeran

Biomaterials Science, Vol 10 Iss 16, Page no. 4538, June 2022.

32 Rule-based Peak Shaving Using Master-Slave Level Optimization in a Diesel Generator Supplied Microgrid

Manojkumar Rampelli, Chandan Kumar, Sanjib Ganguly, Hoay Beng Gooi, Saad Mekhilef and Joao Catalao

IEEE Transactions on Power System, Page no. 1-12, 29th June 2022.

33 TLBO Optimised PIDD Controller for Coordinated Control in a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

Indrajit Koley, Asim Datta, Goutam Kumar Panda and Sanjoy Debbarma

Proc. of 2022 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment, e-ISBN:978-1-6654-7124-4, p-ISBN:978-1-6654-7125-1, INSPEC Accession Number: 21799900, 20th June 2022.

34 Study of Ultra High Frequency Measurement Techniques for Online Monitoring of Partial Discharges in High Voltage Systems

Krishna Chaitanya Ghanakota, Yugandhara Rao Yadam, Sarathi Ramanujam, and Kavitha Arunachalam

IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol 22 Iss 12, Page no. 11698 – 11709, 15th June 2022.

35 Model Predictive based Coordinated Voltage Control of Active Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation and Electric Vehicles

Arunima Dutta, Sanjib Ganguly and Chandan Kumar

2022 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), Shillong, 29th April 2022 – 01st May 2022

36 Line protection challenges and its mitigation in a new grid scenario

S.K.R. Kurre, S. Paladhi & A. K. Pradhan

9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) – 2021, organised by IIT –Kharagpur, from 16th  to 18th  December 2021.

37 Line protection challenges and its mitigation in a new grid scenario

S. K. R. Kurre, S. Paladhi &  A. K. Pradhan

 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) – 2021, organised by IIT –Kharagpur, from 16th  to 18th  December 2021.

38 Design and implementation of dual source (WPT + PV) charger for EV battery charging

P. Srinivasa Rao Nayak, K. Kamalapathi, N. Laxman, Vipul Kumar Tyagi

International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems, September 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.13084.


39 Thermal Performance Improvement in Multi-Megawatt Power Converters Serving to Asynchronous Hydro Generators Operating Around Synchronous Speed

Karthik D,  S.  Raghu,  B  Anil  Kumar,  Thanga  Raj  Chelliah

IEEE  Trans. Energy  Conversion, Vol.  36, No.3, September 2021, pp.  1818-1830.

40 An Ultrawideband Conical Monopole With Radome for Detection of Partial Discharges

Y. R. Yadam, S. Ramanujam & K. Arunachalam

IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, no. 17, pp. 18764-18772, 1 September, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3090099.​

41 Analysis of Dual Input Buck-Boost Converter for Solar PV Integration with Wireless Electric Vehicle Charger

P Srinivasa Rao Nayak, K Kamalapathi & Vipul Kumar Tyagi

Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, River Publishers,  Vol 37 Iss 1, August 2021, https://doi.org/10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.3714

42 Feasibility of Supercritical Hydrogen for cooling Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Devices

Gaurav Vyas & Raja Sekhar Dondapati

2021 International Conference on Simulation, Automation & Smart Manufacturing (SASM) at GLA University, Mathura, August 20-21, 2021

43 Enhanced Steam Generation using Electroplated Tube for Water Tube Boiler

Moharana S, Behera D, Sha B.B. & Das M.K

15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT21), held from 25th to 28th  July 2021.

44 Numerical studies on two-phase flow of liquid nitrogen to cool HTS power cables

Isaac De Souza, Ankit Anand, Harris K. Hassan, Sumit K. Chand, Abhay Singh Gour & Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

CEC-ICMC 2021, Virtual Conference at USA, held from 19th to 23rd  July 2021.

45 Feasibility study of a novel capacitance based quench detection sensor for HTS power transmission cables

Harris K. Hassan, Pankaj Sagar, Abhay Singh Gour & V V Rao

CEC-ICMC 2021, Virtual Conference at USA, held from 19th to 23rd July 2021.

46 Experimental evaluation of dielectric losses of PPLP for single phase HTS cable at sub-cooled LN2 temperature

Maalika Sarkar, Abhik Sarkar, Isaac De Souza, Abhay Singh Gour & Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

CEC-ICMC 2021, Virtual Conference at USA, held from 19th to  23rd July  2021.

47 Numerical Analysis of Partical Discharge Source Localization using Time of Arrival Measurements and Nonlinear Least Squares Search

Krinshna C Ghanakota, Sarathi Ramanujam & Kavitha Arunachalam

Advances in Non-destructive Evaluation: Proceedings of NDE 2019, Editors: C K Mukhopadhyay, Ravibabu Mulaveesala, Spinger Nature-Technology & Engineering, Print ISBN: 978-981-16-0185-9, Electronic ISBN: 978-981-16-0186-6, published: 28th June 2021

48 Modelling the Propagation of Partial Discharge Signals Inside Gas Insulated Transmission Line Sections

Y. R. Yadam, S. Ramanujam & K. Arunachalam

Advances in Non-destructive Evaluation: Proceedings of NDE 2019, Editors: C. K. Mukhopadhyay, Ravibabu Mulaveesala, Springer Nature - Technology & Engineering, Print ISBN: 978-981-16-0185-9, Electronic ISBN: 978-981-16-0186-6, Published: 28-Jun-2021.

49 Fault Tolerant Schemes for Multi-Channel 3L-NPC Bi-directional PWM Power Converter Fed Asynchronous Hydro-Generating Unit

S.  Raghu,  Karthik  D.,  Thanga  Raj  Chelliah

2021  IEEE  Applied  Power  Electronics  Conference  and  Exposition  (APEC), held at Phoenix,  USA,  from 14th to 17th June 2021.

50 “Facile chemical synthesis and characterization of nanostructured nickel oxide – ceria composite anode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells

M.L. Reni, A. Samson Nesaraj

Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vo. 56(4), pp. 804-814, May 2021

51 Calibration of a Cryogenic Turbine based Volumetric Flow Meter (CTVFM) using sub-cooled Liquid Nitrogen and solution for its practical issues

Isaac de Souza, Abhik Sarkar, Ankit Anand, Maalika Sarkar, J. Senthil Kumar, Abhay Singh Gour & Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

IEEE Sensors Journal, Issue No. 10, Vol No.21, pp. 12077-12083, May 2021.

52 Control of Two Stage Grid connected Multi-functional Inverter for Solar PhotoVoltaic System

Ramesh Daravath & Srinivasa Rao Sandepudi

6th IEEE Conference for Convergence in Technology (12CT) held at Pune, April 2021

53 Facile wet-chemical synthesis and evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics of novel nanocrystalline NdCoO3-based perovskite oxide as cathode for LT-SOFC applications

Srinivasan Dharani Priya, Arputharaj Samson Nesaraj & Anburaj Immanuel Selvakumar

Bulletin of Materials Science, vol.44, Article No.115 (2021) Published on 23rd April 2021.

54 Understanding charge trap characteristics of epoxy nanocomposite under steep fronted lightning impulse voltage

Y. R. Yadam, N. Guvvala, S. Ramanujam & K. Arunachalam

Electr Eng (2021), Published: 02-Jcalibran-2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-021-01322-5.

55 Data-Mining Model Based Fault Location Scheme for Cross-Country Faults in Dual-Circuit Transmission Line Using Bagged Regression Tree Approach

Anamika Yadav

Springer’s International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (MIND-2019)”, held at National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India, on 3rd & 4th March 2019.

56 An Algorithm for Microgrid Protection using Z- Bus matrix formulation in a Central Master Controller

Vinod V
Jayachandra Shenoy U

IEEE 5th International Conference for convergence in Technology (I2CT 2019)”, held at Pune, on 29th & 31st March 2019.

57 Unified Grid Integration Algorithm for Synchronizationand Power Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

R. R. Nair
G. Narayanan

2019 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)”, held at Anaheim, CA, on 21st March 2019.

58 Performance analysis of epoxy nanocomposites due to water droplet-initiated discharges under AC and DC voltages and localization of discharges

P Mishra,
B M Ashwin Desai,
R Sarathi
T Imai

IET Science, Measurement and Technology”, (Online) doi.org/10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5056, March 2019.

59 Energy Integration in South Asia: A Status Review

Tulika Bhattacharjee,
R A Deshpande
Arka Chakraborty

1st IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (ICSETS) 2019, held at Bhubaneshwar, from 27th February to 1st March, 2019.

60 Energy Integration in South Asia: A Status Review

Tulika Bhattacharjee,
Rajendra Ananth Deshpande
Arka Chakraborty

1st IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (ICSETS) 2019”, held at Bhubaneshwar, from 27th February to 1st March 2019.

61 Energy Integration in South Asia: A Status Review

Tulika Bhattacharjee,
R A Deshpande
Arka Chakraborty

IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems, held at Bhubaneshwar, from 26th February 2019 to 1st March 2019.

62 High-Speed Maximum Power Point Tracking Module for PV Systems

Sankar Selvakumar,
Mohanty Madhusmita,
Chandrasekaran Koodalsamy,
Sishaj Pulikottil Simon,
Yog Raj Sood

IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics”, Vol.66, No.2, pp. 1119-1129, Feb, 2019.

63 Effects of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets filled hybrid epoxy nanocomposites on electrical and mechanical properties

Madhu B.M

10th International Conference on power cables technology (Cabeltech2019)” held at CPRI, Bengaluru, India, on 27th & 28th February 2019.

64 A Unidirectional Single-Stage Three-Phase Soft-switched Isolated DC-AC Converter

Kaushik Basu

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics”, Volume no.34, Issue no.2, pp no.1142-1158, February 2019.

65 Subcell Modelling of Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Modules

P. Bharadwaj
V. John

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, February 2019, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2899813.

66 Simulation and testing of stacked HTS 2G tapes for superconducting cable

Ankit Anand,
Abhay Singh Gour
V. V. Rao

International Conference on Power cable technology”, held at CABLETECH, CPRI, Bengaluru, 2019, pp. 113-118, on 27th & 28th February 2019.

67 Statistical analysis of PD, Lightning Impulse and BDV Characteristics of Nano-SiO2 Corn Oil for HV Insulation Applications


Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Springer Vol-1, Issue-1, pp.1-12, January 2019.

68 Understanding the performance of gamma-ray-irradiated epoxy nanocomposites

P Mishra,
B M Ashwin Desai,
N J Vasa,
R Sarathi
T Imai

IET Micro and Nano Letters” (Online) doi.org/10.1049/mnl.2018.5402, January 2019.

69 Analysis of Single Switch DC-DC Converters for Photovoltaic Applications

V. Saravanan,
K.M. Venkatachalam
M. Arumugam

4th International Conference on Bio Energy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST 2019)”, held at Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, India, from 28th to 30th January 2019.

70 An Efficient Technique using Modified pq Theory for Controlling Power Flow in a Single-Stage Single-Phase Grid-Connected PV System.

Asim Datta,
Rishiraj Sarker,
Imraj Hazarika

“(IEEE Early Access Article)”, Dec., 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.2890197.

71 Thermal Loading of Multi-Megawatt Medium-Voltage Power Converters Serving to Variable Speed Large Pumped Storage Units

Karthik Desingu,
Raghu Selvaraj
Thanga Raj Chelliah

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IITM Chennai, from 18th to 21st December 2018.

72 Experimental Investigation of a Draft Tube Flow Field in a Francis Turbine during Part Load Operation

Sandeep Kumar,
Rahul Goyal,
Bhupendra K. Gandhi,
Michel J. Cervantes

7th International Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power”, held at IIT Bombay, 348, from 10th to 12th December 2018.

73 Effect of Axial Water Jet Size and Velocity on Unsteady Pressure Pulsations in a Deaccelerating Swirling Flow

Subodh Khullar,
K. M. Singh,
Bhupendra K. Gandhi,
Michel J. Cervantes

7th International Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power”, held at IIT Bombay, 235, from 10th to 12th December 2018.

74 A Novel Decision Tree Algorithm for Location Assessment in Dual-Circuit Line based on DCT-BDT Approach

Anamika Yadav

18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2018)”, held at Vellore Institute of technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India, from 6th to 8th December 2018.

75 Validation of Differential Phase-Angle based Microgrid Protection Scheme on RTDS Platform

Nikhil Kumar Sharma
S. R. Samantaray

20th IEEE National Power System Conference (NPSC)”, held at Tiruchirapalli, India, on 14th December, 2018

76 Integrated Impedance Based Protection Scheme for Microgrid

Nikhil Kumar Sharma
S. R. Samantaray

15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON)”, held at Coimbatore, India, on 16th December, 2018.

77 Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Buck Converter based Solar PV Charge Controller for Improved MPPT Performance

Venkatramanan D
V. John

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

78 Power Converter Based Impedance Emulation of Passive Loads for Anti-Islanding

Aditya Zade,
Venkatramanan D
V. John

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

79 Design and Performance Evaluation of a General Purpose Device Characterization Setup

Roja P,
Venkatramanan D,
Sridevi N
V. John

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

80 Reduced Active Phase Converter for Three Phase Induction Generator based Single Phase Grid-Tied Systems

Anil K Adapa
V. John

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

81 Stator Flux Based Model Reference Adaptive Observers for Rotor Position and Speed Estimation in Doubly-Fed Induction Machines

R. R. Nair
G. Narayanan

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

82 Emulation of Wind Turbine System using Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive

R. R. Nair
G. Narayanan

IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES)”, held at IIT Madras , Chennai, December 2018.

83 Robust Classification of Partial Discharges in Transformer Insulation Based on Acoustic Emissions Detected Using Fiber Bragg Gratings

S Kanakambaran,
R Sarathi
B Srinivasan

IEEE Sensors” Journal 18 (24), 10018-10027, December 2018.

84 A Droop Controlled Operation of Interlinking Converters for Power Sharing in Hybrid AC/DC Subgrids

Harikrishna Muda
Premalata Jena

20th National Power Systems Conference- NPSC 2018, held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, from 14th to 16th December 2018.

85 Partical Discharge source classification using time-frequency transformation

B M Ashwin Desai,
R Sarathi,
J Xavier
A Senugupta

13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS 2018), held at Ropar, India, on 1st & 2nd December 2018.

86 Understanding the water droplet initiated discharges on silicone rubber adopting optical emission and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

B M Ashwin Desai,
R Sarathi
S Kronhuber

INAE Letters, Springer, (Online) doi.org/10.1007/s41403-018-0060-1, November 2018.

87 Effect of Humidity, Temperature and Frequency on EPDM Rubber and EPDM/Clay hybrid composites

K Naresh,
M Kiran Vamshi,
R Velmurugan
R Sarathi

"ICCBN”, held at Port Elizabeth, SA, from 7th to 9th November, 2018.

88 Recent developments of smart grid projects in India

M. Arumugam,
Andrey V. Brazhnikov
Igor Bolvashenkov

International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, Volume no.2, Issue no.6, pp. 1-2, November, 2018.

89 An Auxiliary Capacitor Based Active Phase Converter with Reduced Device Current Stress

Anil K Adapa
V. John

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics”, October 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2018.2877087 (IEEE Early access).

90 Adaptive Control Strategy for Ultracapacitor Based Bidirectional DC-DC Converters

K. Saichand
V. John

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, October 2018 DOI: 10.1109/APEC.2017.7930843 (IEEE Early access).

91 Enhanced Startup Diagnostics of LCL Filter for an Active Front-End Converter

V. John

The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, Journal of Power Electronics, Volume 18 Issue 5, Pages.1567-1576 / 2018 / 1598-2092(pISSN) / 2093-4718(eISSN), October 2018.

92 Understanding the Performance of Corona aged epoxy nano micro composites

B M Ashwin Desai,
P Mishra,
N J Vasa,
R Sarathi
T Imai

IET Micro and Nano Letters”, Vol. 13, Issue 9, 1280-1285, September 2018.

93 Thermal Characteristics of HTS wire for SFCL on Over current operation

T S Datta,
S. Kar,
R Kumar
Reetu Bharthi

27th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference”, held at OXFORD, UK, September 2018.

94 Dynamic Phasor Modeling of SRF-PLL based Grid-Tie Inverter under Islanded Conditions

Venkatramanan D
V. John

IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)”, held at Portland, OR, USA, September 2018.

95 Supervisory Control Architecture for Standalone Solar Photo-Voltaic Power Generation System

Venkatramanan D
V. John

IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)”, held at Portland, OR, USA, September 2018.

96 Dual-Comparison One-Cycle Control for Single-Phase Bidirectional Power Converters

N. Vamanan
V. John

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, Volume no.54, issue no.5, pp no. 4621-4631, Sept – October 2018.

97 Effective Utilization of Parallel Connected Megawatt Three-Level Back-to-Back Power Converters in Variable Speed Pumped Storage Units in Variable Speed Pumped Storage Units

Karthik Desingu,
Raghu Selvaraj,
Thanga Raj Chelliah
Deepak Khare

2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS)”, held at Portland, Oregon, from 23rd to 27th September 2018.

98 Fault Tolerant Operation of Parallel Connected 3L- Neutral-Point Clamped Back-to-Back Converters Serving to Large Hydro-Generating Units

Raghu Selvaraj,
Karthik Desingu,
Thanga Raj Chelliah,
Deepak Khare
C Bharatiraja

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, Vol.54, Issue-5, pp.5429-5443, Sept-Oct 2018.

99 Dynamic Performance of Doubly-Fed Hydroelectric Machines under Voltage Unbalance – A Relative Electro Thermomechanical Analysis

R Raja Singh,
Raghu Selvaraj
Harshit Mohan
Thanga Raj Chelliah

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, Vol.54, Issue-5, pp.4156-4166, Sept-Oct 2018.

100 Starting and Braking of a Large Variable Speed Hydro-Generating Unit Subjected to Converter and Sensor Faults

Anto Joseph,
Raghu Selvaraj,
Thanga Raj Chelliah
S. V. Appa Sarma

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, Vol 54, Issue.4, pp-3372-3382, July-August 2018.

101 Shading Fraction based Global Maximum Power Prediction for Photo-voltaic Energy Conversion Systems

P. Bharadwaj
V. John

Proc. World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC), held at Hawai, USA, June 2018.

102 Formation of Hotspots on Healthy PV Modules and Their Effect on Output Performance

P. Bharadwaj,
Kaustubh Karnataki
V. John

Proc. World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC), held at Hawai, USA, June 2018.

103 Virtual resistor based active damping of LC filter in standalone voltage source inverter

A.K. Adapa,
V. John

IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference”, held at San Antonio, United States, June 2018.

104 Common mode filter for EMI mitigation in active phase converter

A.K. Adapa,
V. John

IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference”, held at San Antonio, United States, June 2018.

105 Synthesis and characterization of Polyaniline /Titanium oxide composites via In-situ chemical oxidative polymerization for supercapacitors

Rudranna Nandhihalli,
Radhika M G
Sudha Kamath M K

International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Science and Technology (ICICST-2018)”, held at Don Bosco Institute of technology –Bengaluru, from 24th to 26th May 2018.

106 Two-Stage Protection for Multi-Channel Power Electronic Converters Fed Large Asynchronous Hydro-Generating Unit

R. R. Semwal,
Anto Joseph,
Thanga Raj Chelliah

2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 -ECCE Asia)”, held at Niigata, Japan, from 20th to 24th May 2018.

107 An Artificial Neural Network Based Solution to Locate the Multi-Location Faults in Double Circuit Series Capacitor Compensated Transmission Lines

Aleena Swetapadma
Anamika Yadav

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems”, Issue. 4, Vol.28, April 2018.

108 High Resolution Converter for Battery Impedance Spectroscopy

S.K. Dam
V. John

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications”, Volume no.54, Issue no.2, pp no. 1502-1512, March-April 2018.

109 Phase angle-based PCA technique for islanding detection of distributed generations

Harikrishna Muda
Premalata Jena

IET, Renewable Power Generation”, Volume no.12, Issue no.6, pp. no.735-746, April 2018.

110 PD Signal Time-Frequency Map and PRPD Pattern Analysis of Nano SiO2 Modified Palm Oil for Transformer Insulation Applications

S. Chandrasekar,
B. Karthik
R. K. Arvind Shriram

Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Springer, Vol-13, Issue-2, pp.902-910, April 2018.

क्षेत्रीय परीक्षण प्रयोगशाला - नोएडा

लघु परिपथ प्रयोगशाला (एस सी एल)

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Verification of Temperature rise on Bus ducts – Study

S. Arjuna Rao, G. Girija, Rakesh K.G, N. Maheswara Rao, B.R. Vasudevamurthy, Swaraj Kumar Das

National journal of Electrical India, Part 1 was published in December 2022 issue and part 2 was published in January 2023 issue.

2 Testing Requirements for Non-conventional Current Transformers as per Latest Standard

G. Girija
S. Arjuna Rao,
N. Maheswara Rao,
B. R. Vasudevamurthy,
Swaraj Kumar Das
R A Deshpande

TECH-IT 2018, Fourth International Conference on Instrument Transformers”, held at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon, organized by IEEMA, on 13th December 2018.

स्विचगियर परीक्षण एवं विकास केंद्र, भोपाल

यूटिलिटी ऑटोमेशन रिसर्च सेंटर

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Latest Functionality requirements of Static Energy Meter for AMI

Gryan Prakash Nirmal, Deepa Warudkar, B.A.Sawale

International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN:2349-5162).

2 Failure Analysis of OLTC during Transition Resistor Test

Prabhakaran T., M.K. Wadhwani, Sumbul Munshi, Himangshu Roy, Saumitra Pathak

National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (HVET 2023), held at UHVRL, CPRI, Hyderabad on 17th March 2023.

3 Advance Metering Infrastructure solution Testing-A Case Study

Gaurav Gupta, B. A. Sawale, Priyamvada Chandel, Deepa Warudkar

National Conference on “Failure of Major Equipment of Substation – Case Studies” organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power and CIGRE  India, New Delhi on 23rd & 24th February 2023

4 Test Method and Analysis of Temperature Rise Test on Prefabricated Substation

Guguloth Ravi, Sarita Dongre, Leena H. Roy, Sumit Srivastava

National Conference on “Failure of Major Equipments of Sub Station –Case Studies”  organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power and CIGRE India, New Delhi on 23rd & 24th February 2023

5 Failure Analysis of Current Transformer in service condition- A Case Study

Abhishek Verma, Sarita Dongre, Leena H. Roy

National Conference on “Failure of Major Equipments of Sub Station –Case Studies” organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power and CIGRE India, New Delhi on 23rd & 24th February 2023

6 Transformer Failure Analysis during Short Circuit Withstand Test A case study

Arpit Singh, Yugal Agrawal, Manoher Singh Takkher

National Conference on “Failure of Major Equipments of Sub Station – Case Studies”  organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power and CIGRE India, New Delhi on 23rd & 24th February 2023

7 High Voltage Motor Current Switching Tests: It’s Motive & Evaluation

K. Sharath Kumar, Diptiranjan Sahoo, Yugal Agrawal, Manohar Singh Takkher

International Conference on “Power Instrumentation Energy and Control: IEEE PIECON” organized by Aligarh University during 10th to 12th February 2023.

8 Pre-requisites for short circuit withstand test on transformers & its failure analysis

K. Sharat Kumar, Diptiranjan Sahoo, Yugal Agrawal, Manoher Singh Takkher, M.K. Wadhwani 

International Conference “IEEE PEDES 2022 Power Electricals, Drives & Energy Systems” Organized by MNIT, Jaipur during 14th to 17th December 2022

9 National and International Metering Standards-Review, Present status and upcoming changes

B.A. Sawale

Metering India-2022 International Conference organized by IEEMA at New Delhi, on 03rd & 04th November 2022.

10 Internal Separation of PSC Assemblies

K.V. Gangadhar Reddy

Webinar   on  “Ingress protection & IK performance of HT and LT Electrical Equipments”, organized by STL Lab, STDS, Bhopal, on  3rd March 2022

11 Ingress protection & IK performance of HT & LT Equipments

Leena H Roy,  Abhishek Verma

One day Webinar on  “Ingress protection & IK performance of HT and LT Electrical Equipments”, organized by STL Lab, STDS, Bhopal, on 3rd March 2022 

12 Recent advancement in DGA analysis of transformer oil

Aman Mishra

National Webinar in National Conference on High Voltage   Engineering and  Technology (NCHVET-2022), organized by CPRI, Hyderabad on 25th February, 2022.

13 Dissolved gas analysis of power transformers and OLTCs under service

Ramjeet Singh

National Webinar in National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and  Technology (NCHVET-2022), organized by CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February, 2022

14 Failure analysis of OLTC during transition resistor test

Prabakaran T, Saumitra Pathak, Himangshu Roy, Sumbul Munshi & M K Wadhwani

Online National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (NCHVET-2022), organized by CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th February 2022.

15 Interpretation of STL Guidelines of Short-Circuit Test on Transformer in Respect of IEC:60076

G. Venkateswarlu, Yugal Agrawal, Manoher Singh Takkher, M.K. Wadhwani

Online National Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology (NCHVET-2022), organized by CPRI, Hyderabad, on 25th   February 2022.

16 Thermal Performance of Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies

Leena H Roy,  Abhishek Verma

Webinar on “ Thermal Performance of HT & LT Electrical   Equipment”, held on 9th February 2022.

17 Evaluation of Smart Prepayment Meter Load switch performance under fault conditions

B.A. Sawale, Surendra Kalambe & Deepa Warudkar

National Webinar on “Smart Energy Metering:Testing, Standards and Communication Technologies", on  20th January    2022. 

18 Analysis of practical result and matlab simulation of lightning impulse test on transformer

Lavkush Kushwaha Co-authored by  Leena H Roy,  Sudeep Mohaney,  Manoj Hirani, Abhishek Verma

2nd IEEE International conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems ICEPES-2021, organized by MANIT, Bhopal, on 10th  & 11th  December 2021

19 Oil sampling procedures and importance of chemical testing

A Srikanth

One day Webinar on  “Transformer oil testing and maintenance of power   transformer through dissolved gas analysis”, organized by  Oil test Lab, STDS, Bhopal, on  29th October 2021.

20 Internal arc test on low voltage switchgear: A new concept on safety

Diptiranjan Sahoo , Yugal Agrawal, Manoher Singh Takkher, M K Wadhwani

one day Webinar on “Testing and Certification of Switchgear and Controlgears Equipment as per National/International Standards”, held on 24th September 2021.

21 Assessment of Short Circuit withstand test on main & protective circuit as per IEC 61439-1: 2020 with case studies

G. Venkateswarlu, Yugal Agrawal, Manoher Singh Takkher, M.K. Wadhwani

Webinar on “ Testing and Certification of Switchgear and Controlgears Equipment as per National/International Standards”, held on 24th September 2021.

22 Review of Cyber Security Threats and Possibilities in Smart Grids

Priyamvada Chandel, B.A.Sawale, Deepa Warudkar and M.K. Wadhwani

Scopus Indexed Journal (Design Engineering), Vol. No.2021, Issue No.06, page No.4896 to 4910, 2021.

अति उच्च वोल्टता अनुसंधान प्रयोगशाला (यूएचवीआरएल), हैदराबाद

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Study on Ground Level Electric Filed under 800 kV HVDC Unipolar Laboratory Level Transmission Line

K Urukundu, K A Aravind, Pradeep M Nirgude, K Sandhya

International Conference on High Voltage Direct Current Transmission (ICHVDCT-2022), held at World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 15th  &16th  February 2022.

Regional Testing Laboratory - NOIDA

सीरियल नंबर कागज का शीर्षक लेखक/श्री/श्रीमती/कुम संगोष्ठी/जर्नल में प्रस्तुत/प्रकाशित (वॉल्यूम और पीपी.)/स्थान/दिनांक
1 Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Cable based on Dielectric Power Factor Measurements

Dr. Neha Adhikari

International Conference of Electronics & Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022), held from 16th to 18th  March 2022.  


2 Various aspects of Energy Meter testing and analysis

Mridula Jain

Workshop on “Energy Meter testing and Evaluation”, held at RTL-CPRI, Noida, on 19th February 2019.

3 Modelling and Investigation of Insulation Defects by partial discharges in HV XLPE Cable

Neha Adhikari

8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018), held at Jaipur, on 13th to 15th December 2018.

4 Special tests for New Insulating Oils as per IS 335 specification

G. R. Vishwanath

Workshop on “Performance Evaluation and acceptance criteria of Liquid dielectric for use in power transformer as per national and international test norms”, held at STDS-CPRI, Bhopal, on 28th September 2018.

Regional Testing Laboratory - Kolkata

Regional Testing Laboratory - Guwahati

Thermal Research Centre - Koradi