कर्मचारी कॉर्नर

प्रशासनिक मामले

Administrative Matters

सीरियल नंबर विवरण डाउनलोड
1 27.09.17 को सेवा मामलों पर सरकारी कर्मचारी से प्रतिनिधित्व


सीरियल नंबर विवरण डाउनलोड
1 आयकर छूट दावा प्रपत्र


सीरियल नंबर विवरण डाउनलोड
1 Purchase Indent Form
2 Purchase Indent Form
3 Procurement of Proprietary Goods
4 Procurement of Proprietary Goods
5 Comparative Statement
6 Comparative Statement
7 Tender Document Format
9 Recommendations
10 Indigenous Approval
11 Indigenous Approval
12 Import Approval
13 Import Approval
14 Indigenous Purchase order
15 Indigenous Purchase order
16 Imp Purchase order
17 Imp Purchase order
18 Amendment
19 Amendment
20 Receipt cum Voucher
21 Receipt cum Voucher
22 Request for Inspection
23 Request for Inspection
24 Vendor Rating
25 Vendor Rating
26 14(a) & 14(b)- Checklists Amended Format
27 14(a) & 14(b)- Checklists Amended Format
28 GTP Format
29 GTP Format
30 Price bid Formats (Section IV L and Section IV NL)
31 Price bid Formats (Section IV L and Section IV NL)
32 Public Procurement orders issued by MoP


सीरियल नंबर विवरण URL Link
1 स्पैरो
2 ई-ऑफिस


General Formats

सीरियल नंबर विवरण डाउनलोड
1 Registration for Electrical/Telephone Complaints
2 Web Content Change Request Form